Azure Key Vault Linked Service — Two steps to grant service access
The simple 2 steps required to allow Synapse/ADF to read Azure Key Vault secrets.
You gonna need you Managed Identity Name, as displayed when you specify the authentication method as “System Assigned Managed Identity”
Step 1 — Add your service Managed Identity to a RBAC group in Azure Key Vault
To be honest, I’m not sure if this step is necessary. ADF/Synapse has returned a successful result after testing the connection just after creating the Linked Service even before adding the MIS credential RBAC permission.
Step 2 — Create an Access Policy
Create an access policy, the RBAC is not enough. You need to grant specific operation rights
Simply try to list the versions of a secret when trying to use it in a Linked server, as the exemple below.
Use Azure Key Vault secrets in pipeline activities — Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Learn